Why Join the PTA?

Our school needs your participation to be the amazing place it is! Joining the PTA supports the organization at all levels — Malcolm X Elementary School, BUSD PTA Council Level, and State PTA Level.

  • The California State PTA supports local units in various ways, with insurance, governance, compliance, etc.

  • The BUSD PTA Council helps coordinate and address PTA efforts and concerns across multiple school sites within the Berkeley Unified School District.

  • Malcolm X PTA coordinates fundraising events to support staff, students, teachers, community building, classroom supply budgets, enrichment programs, and events. The PTA also helps coordinate volunteers, manages school-wide correspondence, and maintains the school website!  

Joining the PTA comes with NO mandatory responsibilities or time commitments, once you have signed up and paid dues. Some members choose to attend some or all of the four membership meetings per school year. Attendance is optional. Members who do attend have the opportunity to hear updates about school activities from the Malcolm X Principal, PTA teacher representative, and PTA Officers, and are also able to participate in discussions and decisions (for example, voting on the annual PTA budget). 


Joining is easy! Simply complete the membership form and pay the yearly dues. Membership dues are $10.00 per parent/guardian. Dues help cover operational expenses for Malcolm X PTA, Berkeley PTA Council, and CA State PTA. Need a dues waiver for financial hardship? No problem! Just send an email to our treasurer, Karina Decima at karina.decima@mxpta.org to be added to the membership roster and Malcolm X PTA will take care of the dues for you. For those who are able, you can double your dues and cover someone who is unable to pay!

Pay online

Payment can also be made online via Google Pay or credit card.

PTA Membership Dues


Pay Dues

Pay by check

Payment can be made by check to the Malcolm X Treasurer at the address below. Please make checks payable to “Malcolm X PTA” and include your name and anyone else’s name for whom you are paying dues.

Malcolm X Elementary School
Attn: PTA Treasurer
1731 Prince Street
Berkeley, CA 94703


Contact Vicki at president@mxpta.org.